Breaking the Cycle: No More Holiday Hunger in the UK

In the United Kingdom, a country known for its thriving economy and rich cultural heritage, there exists a hidden problem that affects thousands of children each year: food poverty. While the issue of child food poverty in the UK is not a new one, a lesser-known aspect of this problem is the impact that school vacations have on children’s access to nutritious meals. 

What is Holiday Hunger? 

Holiday hunger, also known as food poverty during school vacations, refers to the situation where children from low-income families struggle to access adequate nutrition during the breaks from school.

During term time, the UK government provides free school meals to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring they receive at least one meal a day. However, when the school gates close for holidays, this lifeline is abruptly cut off, leaving many children vulnerable to hunger and malnutrition. In the years 2021-22, there were over 500k children at risk of holiday hunger in the UK.

The Impact of Holiday Hunger on Children 

The impact of holiday hunger on children’s lives cannot be overstated. When children experience food poverty during school vacations, it affects various aspects of their development – from their health to their ability to learn and thrive. 

Physical Health 

Firstly, the physical health of children suffering from holiday hunger can deteriorate rapidly. Malnutrition weakens their immune systems, making them more susceptible to illnesses and infections. Lack of proper nutrition can lead to stunted growth, anaemia, and other health complications. These effects not only harm their present well-being but also have long-term implications for their overall health.

A recent report on British five-year-olds revealed that they are shorter than their European peers, and there exists a significant height disparity between impoverished and affluent regions across the UK. The stunted growth was attributed to poor nutrition.

Mental Health 

Furthermore, the mental well-being of these children is also at risk. Hunger and malnutrition can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of insecurity. The constant worry about where their next meal will come from can hinder their ability to focus and concentrate, impacting their educational progress. This perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage, making it harder for these children to escape the grip of poverty in the future. 

What Can We Do About It? 

Addressing the issue of holiday hunger requires a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders – individuals, communities, and the government. Here are some potential solutions and initiatives that can make a difference in the lives of children affected by food poverty during school vacations. 

Community-Based Programs 

Local communities can play a crucial role in combating holiday hunger. Establishing community-based programs that provide free or low-cost meals to children during school vacations can help bridge the nutrition gap. By mobilizing volunteers, utilizing available resources, and partnering with local businesses and organizations, these programs can ensure that no child goes hungry during the holidays. 

“At this time of cost-of-living crisis, parents are struggling to provide food, especially healthy food. These meals really mean a lot.”

Teacher at Dormer Wells School 

Increased Funding for Food Banks 

Food banks are lifelines for families experiencing food poverty. To support their efforts in combating holiday hunger, increased funding is essential. Governments, corporations, and individuals can contribute to food banks by donating funds, food items, or their time as volunteers. This would enable food banks to meet the increased demand for their services during school vacations and ensure that vulnerable children receive the nourishment they need. 

Spreading Awareness 

With the onset of Social Media platforms being a place where all kinds of crowds gather, we can raise awareness and get more people interested.  Social media can also be a place where all parties involved, including charities, government and corporates/individuals come together and raise their voices.

I feel full when I eat this food. And I want to eat more.”

Prodip Koomar, 8 yrs old, West London 


Child food poverty in the UK is a pressing issue that warrants our attention and action. The impact of school vacations on children’s access to nutritious meals cannot be ignored. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that no child goes hungry during the holidays. By supporting community-based programs, increasing funding for food banks, and advocating for policy changes, we can make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable children. Together, let’s fight food poverty and ensure that every child in the UK has access to the nourishment they need to thrive. 

We at Akshaya Patra, believe that everyone deserves a healthy meal. So far we have served over 650,000 hot, nutritious, vegetarian meals from the kitchen over the years and we’re just getting started.  Our kitchen in North London prepares fresh, hot meals daily that are delivered to holiday clubs, council-run holiday centres, and community hubs across London boroughs. If you are passionate about fighting food poverty and want to make a difference in the lives of children, consider volunteering or donating.  

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